Everyone knows someone who deals with anxiety, depression or mental disorders, especially in New York where everything is fast paced! Not only is acupuncture a great way to relax (it’s the #1 thing I hear patients say no matter what they are coming in for!) but it can also help to balance the body and give the patient better mental clarity. Using acupuncture for mental health I’ve helped patients deal with PTSD, OCD, anxiety, depression, overthinking, stress and anger issues.
Acupuncture can help…
Acupuncture can help with a variety of other conditions such as digestive issues, respiratory issues and can even help reduce sugar levels in diabetics.
During your treatment I will use different diagnostic tools than you have seen at your doctors office, to help me learn a little more about your body. First I will look at your tongue to see what’s going on with your digestive system. The tongue is the only organ on the outside of the body that connects to the inside of the body. The color, dryness and thickness of the coat all mean different things regarding your digestion.
The other thing I will do is feel your pulse. The rate, strength and quality of your pulse also have meaning and tell me about all the different organs in your body and how they are working together. I also take into consideration everything you tell me, such as information about your digestion, sleep and mental state to help me come to a diagnosis perfect for you.
I will check these things during every treatment to see any changes that could have been made from previous treatments so I know how to tailor each treatment for you. The idea is to balance your body and have you feeling great.
Acupuncture is a preventative medicine by nature. The best acupuncture treatments are the ones done before you get sick. I usually recommend people come in once a month, especially during cold and flu season, to keep them feeling healthy year round.