Many women use acupuncture to help conceive but after giving birth have trouble finding the time to come back for appointments. While I understand its hard to leave the baby at home, a little separation and “me time” is important! Below are some facts to consider when thinking about acupuncture post-partum.
- As when you’re trying to conceive, and after conception, acupuncture can help keep you healthy! As a new parent its important to keep your immune system boosted, especially when you have so many sleepless nights! Not getting enough sleep can definitely deplete your immune system leaving you open to getting sick. If you’re breast feeding you might not be able to take some of your immune boosters since supplements like elderberry are contraindicated until the child is 2. Getting acupuncture regularly can help the blood move through your body easier and help boost your immune system so it’s one less thing you have to worry about while you’re taking care of your newborn.
- Helps you sleep (when you get the chance to). Initially it can be challenging to get enough sleep and it can be challenging to fall back asleep after the baby finally does. Acupuncture can help make it easier to transition back into sleep after being woken up by a crying baby.
- Helps your mood/avoid depression. Post partum depression is a major concern after giving birth and many women struggle with it. Acupuncture can help elevate your mood, calm your mind and help you process those negative thoughts. I’ve personally seen many women overcome their depression in my office and its always amazing to watch women come out the other side.
- Helps promote lactation. Another thing many women struggle with is trouble with lactation. It’s one of those things that people don’t tell you can happen, but it does! Acupuncture and herbs (that are baby safe) can help promote lactation so the baby can have enough milk and you have one less thing to stress about!
- Is an hour of quiet time just for you! We all know acupuncture can help stress, and having a newborn is stressful! An hour for yourself can help you relax your mind and find some time to sleep. I can’t tell you how many mothers come in and say, “I’ve been feeling great I just need an hour to sleep (or to not hear someone screaming “mommy!”)”
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