Q: Can I do other treatments with acupuncture?
A: Absolutely! I always recommend other holistic therapy such as massages as well as chiropractic care with acupuncture. Many people also seek physical therapy to help with pain. I am a firm believer in integrative care and that consists of both eastern and western medicine working together. I usually make dietary recommendations as well to help the body in every way possible!
Q: How long are appointments?
A: The first appointment is 60 minutes and
Q: Does it hurt?
A: Not at all! I have studied for a long time to make sure it doesn’t hurt! I always tell my patients if anything hurts to let me know immediately because it shouldn’t feel that way.
Q: Is it safe for me? What about if I am pregnant? Is it safe for my children?
A: Absolutely! Before graduating we are required to take clean needle technique classes and we are required to take a test at the end to ensure we have the proper knowledge to keep you safe.
The great thing about acupuncture is that it is safe for all ages and all conditions. Children love getting acupuncture, I’ve treated children as young as a month old!
Pregnant women are always grateful when they discover acupuncture is safe for them. Not only is it great for the back pain most women experience, but since they cannot take many medications while pregnant, I can help treat headaches, colds, or any other conditions you may experience while pregnant.
It’s even great post-partum for insufficient lactation and any other post-partum concerns you may be having. It’s also quite restful and relaxing!
Q: Is it covered by insurance?
A: Many insurance companies now cover holistic therapy
Q: What conditions can be treated?
A: Anything can be treated with acupuncture, that’s why I love it so much! Most people only know that acupuncture treats pain, but it can help so much more. Some issues I treat include, but are not limited
Q: How does acupuncture work?
A: Acupuncture works in a series of treatments to help balance your body. Tiny needles are placed on certain meridians in your body that are each associated with a different organ. By stimulating the points on these meridians, I am helping the body to heal itself, and that organ channel, naturally. I like to think of the channels as highways to each organ. Certain channels have congestion and traffic and my job is to remove the blockages to that everything can flow freely through the body and to the organs.