It seems bizarre to most people, but children love acupuncture!
Fear is something that is learned, so many children aren’t nervous when they come in to get acupuncture.
The most common question I get when people find out I treat children is;
What could children possibly come in for?”
This is a great question because until I started treating children I didn’t realize how many children suffer from allergies, skin conditions and digestive problems! Many children just need that little extra healing power of pediatric acupuncture to help their bodies heal themselves and get them feeling better than ever.
The other great thing about pediatric acupuncture is that it is preventative medicine.
We all know as children go to school they inevitably get sick, but acupuncture can help boost the immune system and prevent your children from missing a day of school. While children might not be too happy about that, parents will definitely love it!
Most parents are concerned that their children don’t sit still for very long. That’s ok! There are several different techniques used with children. One technique is called “in and out needling” where the needle is placed in and then immediately removed. This allows the child to still play and receive treatment at the same time!
Retractable Points
Another great technique that is used requires a tool with a retractable point. This allows stimulation of the area without using any needles at all. The last one is my favorite: pediatric massage. Children, just like most adults, love massage! Because children’s bodies are so new, many times something as simple as massage can achieve the same goals that the needles can. It’s a great tool to use in the office and to teach parents to do at home!
With children, no two sessions are the same and that’s ok! It makes pediatric acupuncture treatments more fun and interesting every time.
Sessions are still 45 minutes with children just as they are with adults. This gives us enough time to play, get a treatment and talk about other ways to help at home!