Are you looking for cupping or acupuncture on Long Island? These two wonderful modalities can be used together or separate!
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny, hair thin needles into various points of the body to help stimulate the body to heal itself. While most people associate needles with getting shots or blood taken, these needles are so small most people don’t even feel them!
When the body is out of balance you can experience pain or disease. When using acupuncture, needles are carefully placed on different channels of the body that relate to different organs. By stimulating these organs the body begins working to get back into balance.
How does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture works in a series of treatments. Each treatment is designed specifically for each person based on their tongue, pulse and chief complaint. Each visit the patient will come in for a quick chat to check on progress and then lay on the table for their treatment. After the needles are inserted the patient gets to lay and relax while listening to calm music for 30-35 minutes. Advice based on Chinese Medicine is given at the end of every treatment for ways to improve the patients condition.
The wonderful thing about acupuncture is that it’s not just used to treat current conditions, it’s also a preventative medicine! Acupuncture once a month can help to boost your immune system, reduce stress and help you to sleep better.
What is Cupping?
Cupping is an ancient technique which uses a special cup that is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. The suction draws superficial tissue into the cup, which may either be left in place or moved along the body. Traditional cupping, sometimes referred to as “fire cupping,” uses heat to create a vacuum-like suction inside of glass cups.
Why is it used?
Cupping is used for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons most people know about is for sports related injuries, but most people don’t know that is can also help with seasonal allergies, the common cold and digestive issues. The cups are placed on certain areas of the body, most commonly the back, to bring blood flow to certain areas.
Great for Sports Injuries
If you have a sports related injury, cups will normally be placed around that area to improve circulation, reduce swelling and bring healing to the area. When working with issues such as the common cold, cups are placed on certain areas of the back that pertain to certain organs to help clear that channel and bring more blood flow to help heal that organ and restore balance in the body.
Cupping can potentially leave marks on your body. Most times these marks only last a few days, but they can last up to two weeks.. Many people are concerned that because these marks look like bruises they hurt, but most people say it feels like a deep tissue massage and they feel better almost immediately. The marks on your body are actually a good thing, it means healing is happening in that area!
Acupuncture on Long Island
If you are interested in cupping or acupuncture on Long Island please make a booking or call for more details. I welcome your enquiry.