Many women use acupuncture as a means to help regulate their cycle so they have an easier time conceiving, but tend to fall off after conception. Acupuncture can be very important in playing a role for women after they get that positive test. Below are ways acupuncture can be a benefit:
- It can help prevent miscarriage. Acupuncture is all about balancing your body, nourishing your blood and calming your anxieties. Many women who have been struggling with fertility often have anxiety after conceiving because they are so afraid of losing what they have always wanted. This helps to calm the mind and keep you calm so your body stays more in balance. There are also points that assist in “lifting and holding” the fetus, which also help with miscarriage prevention.
- It can help with morning sickness. I’ve never experienced it, but I hear that morning sickness is the absolute worst. While there are many acupressure points that assist, many women find having acupuncture has a longer and more powerful effect. Again, working to balance the stomach and move stomach energy in a downward motion instead of an upward motion, helps to calm the stomach and relieve nausea. This allows you to eat without having to vomit every few minutes!
- Boost your immune system. No one wants to be sick when you’re pregnant. It’s much more difficult to get comfortable and take medications when you’re worried about harming the fetus. Acupuncture can help nourish your blood, strengthen your body and boost your immune system. Helping you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy!
- Pain and illness you can’t treat with western medicine. While no one ever wants to get sick, it does happen. Most times women call me for acupuncture is when they are sick and they can’t take western drugs or they are experiencing pain and they can’t take pain killers. Since acupuncture helps balance the body, it is able to help with things like back pain, a cold, stomach virus and many other things!
- Labor quicker and easier. While I’ve never read any actual studies, many of my friends work in hospital that provide acupuncture to women in labor. They share that women who get acupuncture regularly during their pregnancy tend to have faster and easier labor and delivery. I mean, it definitely can’t hurt to try!
Acupuncture is safe during all stages of pregnancy but it’s important to let your acupuncturist know if you even think you are pregnant. If you’re still unsure about acupuncture during pregnancy, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to talk to you about it!
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